Luca, Selene e Luca sono stati invitati per condividere la propria esperienza di studio e lavorativa con gli attuali studenti interessati alla progettazione ottica e alle misure fotometriche per il settore automotive.
The Carla Capsule event took place in the Aula Magna (Rettorato) of Politecnico di Milano in November 2022, the 30th. It was part of the Carla Hub Project, funded by the European program Horizon 2020. The Carla Project (european photonics CAReer LAunch path) aims to provide the tools necessary for building a career in the sector of optics and photonics to the students of the Faculty of Engineering. Particular importance is given to the development of a professional network that links students to professionals and former students who already work in a field related to light handling.

CevLab had been involved in the Carla Capsule event because our colleagues Luca Fieramonti (former PhD student in Engineering Physics) and Selene Carrara (former Engineering Physics student) were invited as Alumni of the Politecnico di Milano to share their study and work experience with undergraduates interested in optical design and photometric measurements for the automotive sector. Our colleague Luca Venier joined the event too, with his qualification of photometric laboratory technician. About one hundred engineering students interested in a career in the optical/photonic sector were present at the event.
After a brief introduction on the Carla Project purposes, four leading figures in the field of photonics, coming from both the academic and industrial fields, described the impact that photonics currently has at the European level and in Italy. They also explained how Politecnico photonics start-ups drive innovation in this field. Moreover, two applications of photonics were described, namely mechanical machining and telecommunication, which are largely benefiting from the efficacy, the precision and the speed of processes the photonic technology provides.
Afterwards, a “speed date” followed the very interesting presentations. During the speed date, all the attending students could directly talk with the 30 Alumni in small groups. In this way, they had the possibility to get information on both Alumni’s academic and professional experiences, as well as to ask for advice about their study plan in order to be ready for the professional world.
For sure, the experience has been very interesting and useful, on one hand for letting CevLab to be known in the university environment, on the other hand for increasing and consolidating the network with other companies with which CevLab could collaborate in the future. Furthermore, it has been possible to notice that the students, met during the speed date, showed a strong interest in the field of optics and photonics applied to the automotive sector. This lays the foundations for CevLab to approach the university and research world, thus taking inspiration for presenting itself as a technical consultancy company that has innovation as its main objectives.