Combined vibration/temperature tests with climatic chamber installed on a vibrating bench

A component, during its useful life, is subjected to cyclic, random or impulsive mechanical stress, due to careless handling, transport, operating conditions in vibrating environments. This can lead to immediate component failure or significantly shorten the life of a product due to latent damage only visible after continued use.
Often the mechanical stresses on the component happen in climatic conditions different from the normal environmental conditions. In fact, the thermal stresses added to the mechanical stresses change the normal behavior of a component, further reducing its useful life.
Al fine di determinare il comportamento dinamico dei componenti ed individuare debolezze strutturali o degrado delle prestazioni funzionali rispetto alle specifiche del prodotto, questi devono essere sottoposti a test di vibrazione, anche in combinazione con cicli termici, spesso normati da standard internazionali.
Nel nostro laboratorio a Carpi (MO) è presente una camera climatica integrata al banco vibrante per poter eseguire prove di resistenza alle vibrazioni/shock meccanico in combinazione con cicli termici in accordo a standard internazionali quali ad esempio IEC 60068-2-50 (freddo), IEC 60068-2-51 (caldo secco) e IEC 60068-2-53.
In order to determine the dynamic behavior of the components and identify structural weaknesses or degradation of functional performance, these must be subjected to vibration tests, also in combination with thermal cycles, often regulated by international standards.
In our laboratory in Carpi (MO) there is a climatic chamber integrated with a vibrating bench to carry out resistance tests to vibrations/mechanical shock in combination with thermal cycles in accordance with international standards such as IEC 60068-2-50 (cold) , IEC 60068-2-51 (dry heat) and IEC 60068-2-53.
With the vibrating bench + climatic chamber system we can fix specific parameters (within the limits of our instruments) to carry out tests according to the different needs of the customers.
The climatic chamber can reach a temperature from -40 °C to +100 °C. The dimensions of 1.2 x 1.5 x 1.2 m make it possible to test bulky objects with a maximum weight of 1000 kg, taking advantage of the maximum load that the vibrating bench can stand.